Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Circumcision ...

Oh the dreaded topic of circumcision. This isn't going to be a post about why or why not to get your son circumcised. I think whatever you choose is fine. I chose to get my boys circumcised. However, I ran into some complications after having my youngest two boys.

I was always taught that circumcision was the answer. I was told it would avoid embarrassment in the locker room later in life and is cleaner for the boy's "downstairs" area. In my opinion, I would just rather they came out that way because I do not want my baby to be in any pain! 

My 4 1/2 year old, Maeson, had his circumcision at the hospital, as usual. The day after he was born, they came and took him from my room, went and did it, and he was back in my arms in 30 minutes. I just pretended they took him for some tests (like his vitals) and then brought him back to me...Until I changed his diaper. :( It looked swollen and bloody. I cringed at the sight of it. I was worried that it wasn't going to "work" correctly. Well his seems to be working just fine. In fact... he was potty trained by age 2 and is doing great!

It is a different story with my other two boys. Both of my younger boys were born with what is called a partial circumcision. I have never even heard of this "condition". Our pediatrician assured us that this is actually very common. Hmm.. Ok. What this means, exactly, is that they were born with too little of skin to do a circumcision surgery. I was a little relieved that they wouldn't have to have the surgery, until our doctor said they would have to come back in when they are a year old to have the surgery.

When Madden turned a year old, he ended up getting very sick with colds for like 6 months! We had to schedule his surgery for when he was 18 months. I was so scared. I was pregnant with my youngest baby when we went to the not only was I freaking out because my baby was going into surgery for the first time...but the emotional pregnant whale side of me came out. When they took him back, I thought I was going to hyperventilate. Everything ended up being ok and he seemed to be back to normal after a couple days. 

Though it was a scary experience, I think it was for the best. He is now potty training and it's a nightmare. I couldn't imagine if he wasn't circumcized. :S My youngest is now a year old and we have to schedule his appointment. I am so nervous! Surgery is always scary. Fingers crossed!!! 

Before Surgery

After Surgery

Sleeping On Daddy


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