Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Caution: You may Cry!

Eight and a half years ago, I gave birth to my beautiful baby girl, Maddilyn Mae. She was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. I was a young mommy and so was her daddy. We were both scared at first and didn’t know how to cope with the fact we were going to be parents in high school. This fact alone scared me so bad that somehow I thought that being in a committed relationship with him was too much. I decided to break it off with him. Maddilyn lived with me full time and then went with her daddy every other weekend. We both loved her so much. We put aside our differences and raised Maddilyn the best we knew how.
For four years we had a routine. I was a single mom but it didn’t always feel that way. Her daddy was only a call away and would bend over backwards to help with anything that had to do with his daughter. I remember hearing stories when she would come home for the weekend about riding on the four wheeler with her daddy. She liked to dress him up like her very own princess. Despite working quite a bit to make ends meet, her daddy spend as much time with her as he was able.
In November 2007, over the Thanksgiving holiday, my family went on a cruise to the Bahamas. Maddilyn and I had so much fun. She was 4 years old and very adventurous. We swam in the ocean together and had a time I will never forget. The waves were so bad for the duration of our cruise. We both got sick a couple of the days. We weren’t even able to eat our Thanksgiving day meal. I remember thinking, I cannot wait to get home and on land.
The week we got back, Maddilyn couldn’t wait to see her daddy. He came and picked her up on a Thursday to stay for the weekend. I remember telling them goodbye and saying that I will see them on Sunday when he brought her back. That was the last time I saw her daddy.
The next night, Friday November 30 around 10:00pm or so, I was debating whether or not to go out with a girl friend of mine or just relax at home. Before I could decide, I got a phone call. A phone call that plays over and over in my head even after four years. It was from his girlfriend. She started saying that I needed to come get Maddilyn as soon as possible. I told her that I would be on my way, and asked it everything was alright?! “Justin was in a car accident and he didn’t make it!” My heart stopped beating. My eyes started to glaze over and my body became numb. I felt like I was in a dream. In my head I was telling myself to say something, to move, to breathe, but I just stood there. Finally a jolt came through my body and all I could think about was getting to my daughter. I just wanted to hold her, comfort her, be with her! I grabbed my keys and left immediately.
The drive was about twenty or more minutes, but it felt like a few hours. I couldn’t get there soon enough. My friend had to drive because I didn’t think I was capable. The whole drive there was a blur. The minute we arrived at his mother’s house, I just ran inside. His mother grabbed me immediately and kept repeating something over and over. When all the commotion calmed down, I realized she was saying “Please don’t take her away from me”. I didn’t know what she meant until it hit me. She didn’t want me to stop bringing her granddaughter around. She was the only thing she had left of her son, and I was never going to take that away!
I grabbed Maddiyn from her bed and took her home. Before I left, they informed me that they weren’t able to tell Maddilyn what had happened. I decided to let her sleep the rest of the night and I would think of the best way to tell her in the morning. I was up all night trying to think of what I was going to tell my daughter. How was I supposed to tell my four year old daughter that her daddy just died? I thought of ways to tell her all night and didn’t come up with anything by the time she woke up. I was sitting on the floor crying when she came up to me. She wrapped her beautiful little arms around me and asked me what was wrong. She hugged me and told me it was ok and not to cry.
WHAT? Why am I sitting on the floor crying and letting her comfort me. When I came to my senses I grabbed her up and sat with her on the couch. “Your daddy wrecked his car last night and passed away Maddi.” She just stared at me confused. I didn’t know what else to say. “He got hurt very bad and died last night!” She finally started to understand. She grabbed me and said “It will be ok mommy.”
I couldn’t believe it. She was comforting me! Then I started to realize that she was just too young to comprehend right away. She was more worried about me crying than anything else at the moment. Over time she started to understand. Instead of going with daddy she was visiting her grandma and her daddy’s girlfriend. She started to get angry. At home she would get frustrated when she would get in trouble or have to sit in time out, and ask for her daddy. This killed me! But I had to still be a parent!
I married her stepfather in 2009 who loves her more than anything. While no one will replace Justin, my husband raises her as his own. We still talk about her daddy all of the time and she visits her grandma every other weekend. Coping with the fact that my daughter lost her father has been an experience. Soon after the accident I started a scrap book for Maddilyn. It has pictures of her and her daddy in it. I also wrote her a letter the night of the accident and placed that in there as well. I put the ad that was in the paper, the funeral information, and other things in the scrapbook. When Maddilyn is older I will give this to her so she can fully understand.
Advice that I can give to anyone that has gone through this or will go through this, be strong! Don’t let depression overcome you. Do whatever you have to do to be that main parent for your child. Your child will need you to be there to talk to and answer questions. Not only right after it happens, but years down the road as well!

ADD or Multi-tasker?

When I was younger, I was a very hyperactive kiddo. As an adult... I am still full of energy. I am always looking for something else to add onto my plate. I can sometimes get overwhelmed but I honestly don't know what I would do if I wasn't busy all of the time. My grandpa always used to tell me when I would tell him I was going to try another thing, "just be careful, wouldn't want you to crash off your high". I wasn't on drugs...but maybe it was all of the caffeine I poured into my body on a daily basis?! 

Currently, I am a stay at home mom of 4, full time (online) college student, babysitter of 3 other kids, cheer mom, in the middle of a workout weight loss challenge, a wife (which is exhausting), and then I just decided to start this blog to release my thoughts and connect with other mothers out there. 

I am always looking for something new and challenging. I started making my own crafts and soaps and started selling them on Facebook and at craft fairs. It just got way too overwhelming with all of the custom orders I was dealing with. I enjoyed it a lot and will probably continue to do a show or two a year. 

I tried finding jobs online working from home. That was a bust. I ended up getting scammed. I participated in a week long "interview" process writing articles. They sent me a check to go deposit to purchase my "working materials" I did. Turns was a scam! I was out on $1000! So I ended my online job search! 

I used to own my own in-home daycare for about five years. I absolutely loved it. It ended up being just too risky so I no longer do that, just babysit a few. <I'll explain that hell later! 

I have recently decided that I want to go to beauty school. I have always taken an interest in hair and makeup. I used to do my friends' and I now do my daughter's all of the time. I graduate with my Business Administration degree this Summer and think it will be nice to get another focus with it. Maybe open my own salon someday?! See there I go again! 

Who knows...I may still have a touch of ADD left in me... but I am going to just chalk it up to being a A+ multi-tasker.  

Circumcision ...

Oh the dreaded topic of circumcision. This isn't going to be a post about why or why not to get your son circumcised. I think whatever you choose is fine. I chose to get my boys circumcised. However, I ran into some complications after having my youngest two boys.

I was always taught that circumcision was the answer. I was told it would avoid embarrassment in the locker room later in life and is cleaner for the boy's "downstairs" area. In my opinion, I would just rather they came out that way because I do not want my baby to be in any pain! 

My 4 1/2 year old, Maeson, had his circumcision at the hospital, as usual. The day after he was born, they came and took him from my room, went and did it, and he was back in my arms in 30 minutes. I just pretended they took him for some tests (like his vitals) and then brought him back to me...Until I changed his diaper. :( It looked swollen and bloody. I cringed at the sight of it. I was worried that it wasn't going to "work" correctly. Well his seems to be working just fine. In fact... he was potty trained by age 2 and is doing great!

It is a different story with my other two boys. Both of my younger boys were born with what is called a partial circumcision. I have never even heard of this "condition". Our pediatrician assured us that this is actually very common. Hmm.. Ok. What this means, exactly, is that they were born with too little of skin to do a circumcision surgery. I was a little relieved that they wouldn't have to have the surgery, until our doctor said they would have to come back in when they are a year old to have the surgery.

When Madden turned a year old, he ended up getting very sick with colds for like 6 months! We had to schedule his surgery for when he was 18 months. I was so scared. I was pregnant with my youngest baby when we went to the not only was I freaking out because my baby was going into surgery for the first time...but the emotional pregnant whale side of me came out. When they took him back, I thought I was going to hyperventilate. Everything ended up being ok and he seemed to be back to normal after a couple days. 

Though it was a scary experience, I think it was for the best. He is now potty training and it's a nightmare. I couldn't imagine if he wasn't circumcized. :S My youngest is now a year old and we have to schedule his appointment. I am so nervous! Surgery is always scary. Fingers crossed!!! 

Before Surgery

After Surgery

Sleeping On Daddy


Magic Eraser

I don't know about you but I think Mr. Clean Magic Erasers are God's gift to mothers. I have pretty much used them for everything. I have used them for crayon on the walls, pen and permanent marker, tile floors, sinks, tubs, ovens, light switches, and even on my daughter's cheer shoes.

My husband, on the other hand, thought he had another use for them. CHILDREN! It didn't turn out so well. Apparently, as I was busy tending to the other children, Madden got into my mascara. He decided to paint himself with it. He was pretty!!! I told Levi to go clean him off. He did alright. He grabbed the closest thing to the sink and started scrubbing the mascara off.

I hear my son screaming and then my husband yells for me to come look at him. He started breaking out into these burns.. I looked at my husband, who was obviously distressed, and asked him what he used. He replied with "that sponge on the sink". Now I don't normally use sponges but I just decided my husband was having a "blonde" moment. I yelled at him in a panic, "that is a MAGIC ERASER Levi!" He looked horrified. I grabbed Madden and threw him in the bath tub to see if that would help. It actually looked like it was started to get worse! So I decided a trip to the Emergency Room was necessary.

When we arrived at the E.R. I was almost embarrassed to tell the nurses what caused these horrible burn-like rashes. After evaluation, it turns out Madden received chemical burn from the Magic Eraser. He was scrubbed with a brush and wiped down. It was a horrible sight! After about two hours, they sent us home.

Madden's burns started clearing up within a couple of hours, thankfully. I grabbed the box to the Magic Eraser and it said that it did not contain any chemicals and was sensitive on the skin. Um, ya right! After further research, I have found that the stuff they use in the Magic Erasers, yet effective for cleaning, was not good for the skin. It contained particles of a fiber glass substance as well as the same chemical used to embalm bodies...formaldehyde!!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Beginning

I wanted to create this blog, like most mom bloggers, to connect to other mothers who have similar struggles and interests when it comes to motherhood, or in this case, Mom E Hood. I have been told by people that I live such a funny and crazy life, that I should write a book. Well who has time to write a book with four children and a husband?! I will try to cover topics that are both helpful, inspiring, and funny to read. 

OK, so I will start by telling you that I am a proud and exhausted mother of four. I have a girl and three boys. I know what you must be thinking, Three boys?!! I hope your prayers are with me. It has definitely been something else that is for sure. 

My daughter, Maddilyn Mae, is 9 years old. We call her Mae Mae! She is currently in third grade. I am not sure about other 9 year old girls, but she acts like she is 15 and I HATE it! She is so smart and such a beautiful little girl, I am going to hate this in 6 or 7 years! She is in competitive cheer-leading, which not only takes up most of our time, but a lot of our money as well! I am happy to get her into something she is passionate about, but I sure help it pays off in the future because my pocketbook punches me in the gut every time I pay tuition! I got pregnant with Maddilyn when I was 16. It was such a stressful, difficult time in my life, but it was probably the best thing that has ever happened to me. I was determined to get good grades and do it without any handouts. I went to school full time, worked two jobs, and was captain of my dance team. I no longer worked for money to go out or to buy CD's or fast food. All my money went to daycare, and diapers, and formula, and baby stuff! I didn't really know who I was, like most girls in high school, and having my daughter made me sure of who I wanted to be...a great mom! 

My oldest son, Maeson Michael, is 4 1/2 years old. We call him Maeter! He starts Kindergarten this year...PRAY FOR ME! I can only imagine how I am going to react. When my daughter started school I threw up and cried all day because I was so emotional. I heard it gets easier, but I will let you know ... in about 6 months! :S  Maeson is his own special breed of person! He is such a sweet, caring, sensitive boy. He takes a lot of things personal but wears his heart on his sleeve. He never went through terrible two's, he is just a blessing. He tries to act like such a big kid...he has an old soul! I have been searching and trying to find a sport or activity that best suits him...but I having no such luck. We tried swimming lessons, and he liked that at first, but then he got bored. Then we tried wrestling, and he didn't like being hurt at all. (Again, he is very sensitive!) I would say he is definitely the definition of a mommy's boy! Which I do not mind one little bit :)

Madden is on the Left...
My middle son, Madden Michael, is 3 years old. We call him Moose. He is my difficult child. He was actually just diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). In my opinion, I think he is a bit young for these diagnosis's, but I am just pleased that we can work on this now rather than when its too late. A lot of my humorous blogs will probably be related to him, because he usually keeps me on my toes. I cannot leave him alone for more than 5 minutes or he will paint the baby or find a way to shave the dog! (or himself) Like I tell people, when he is naughty, he is VERY NAUGHTY, and when he is good , he is SOOO GOOD! There is no happy medium. 

My youngest son, and hopefully LAST child, is Maeher Matthew. We call him Monkey. He is 1 year old! He is such a chubby, handsome, sweet little baby! He has been walking since he was 9 months old, which hasn't been fun! I thought I would have a little while to baby proof...ya...NO! He is so funny! He is always smiling and doing something that makes us all laugh. When I was pregnant, I am not going to lie to you, I wanted a girl! I was 100% sure that I was getting a girl. After the time that I have had with Madden, I was hoping to get a break! But I did, in fact, get one! Instead of getting a girl, I got a well behaved, sleep through the night, never cry, BABY BOY :) Fingers crossed this lasts forever!

My biggest child, my husband, Levi, is my rock. I am not going to give you the mushy details or fairytale ending, but I will tell you that we make an amazing team! I love him more than anything and I honestly don't know where I'd be without him. OK, enough of that! Levi and I actually went to high school together. We were friends, but nothing more. After high school, we met up again and it was love at Second, Third, Nine-thousandth, SIGHT? 

 MY FAMILY :) NOTE: This was taken awhile ago...I now have dark hair and the kids are a bit bigger...we are getting new family pics soon :)